Rules and Expectations
Every recovery house has a full list of rules and regulations that must be adhered to in order to remain a guest of the home. Recovering addicts who make the decision not to obey the sober house rules are at risk of being rejected from the home and forced to find another living situation that is adequate and safe for them.
Each of the rules that are outlined when you enter into a recovery house is there for your protection, for the protection of others living in the home and for the protection of the home itself.
Terms of Guest Occupancy
I will pay my guest fee (rent for the license of bed) on time or accept a $10 late fee per day till fully paid.
I will not consume ALCOHOL, ILLEGAL DRUGS, MEDICAL MARIJUANA or come home intoxicated or high.
I agree to be tested for drugs or alcohol use at any time. I understand I can be asked to leave immediately for drinking or doing drugs.
I will keep my room clean all the time and make my bed every day.
I will do my chore every day or get it covered when I am away.
I understand I can have only 4 trash bags of personal items. HOARDING IS GROUNDS FOR EVICTION.
NO STEALING OF FOOD. If I need food, I will ask the manager.
I will NOT disturb other guests or ask for money and/or cigarettes.
I will respect THCC HOUSING staff, manager, and guests.
No visitors or pets due to safety issues.
No firearms are allowed on any of THCC HOUSING property.
No fighting, arguments with other guests can be the reason for eviction.
House Rules
Zero Tolerance for drug or alcohol use. (No engaging in illegal substance manufacturing, possession and/or distribution will be tolerated.)
Zero Tolerance for stealing. (Taking food from others without permission is considered stealing. We encourage community cooking, meal planning and sharing dinner time together. This is to assist in developing a family like structure.)
Zero Tolerance for destruction of THCC Housing or other guests’ property.
Zero Tolerance for sexual activity.
Zero Tolerance for physical confrontation or verbal confrontation with any staff or guest.
Any guest who is on prescribed medications must immediately inform the house manager, all medication must be approved by the house manager. All medications must be taken as prescribed.
As a member of a recovering community, based on the principles of honesty, trust and helping to create a safe and sober environment, we request any guest who knows that another guest has violated any rules of THCC Housing report the behavior to staff.
Any visitor to THCC Housing property will be asked to leave immediately if THCC Housing staff or guests suspect any use of illegal or illicit drugs, including alcohol. Guests who have been asked to leave due to their own breach of rules will not be permitted back on the property.
All guests are encouraged to attend AA/NA meetings their first 90 days of residing at THCC Housing and then 3 meetings per week thereafter.
Guests must obtain and maintain a sponsor while living at THCC Housing.
Guests must attend a mandatory House Meeting one time a week, every Sunday at 6:00 P.M or as indicated by house manager..
Guests should continue to attend the mandatory weekly Relapse Prevention meetings.
Guests must be willing to submit to a drug/alcohol urine screen upon the request of the manager.
We request that a guest commit to a 90 day stay.
Guests’ rooms must be clean at all times. (Guests’ beds are to be made when the guests are not in the bed.)
Curfew is 11:00 PM Sunday through Thursday and 1:00 AM Friday and Saturday for the first 30 days with no exceptions. (Curfew may be lifted after 30 days provided the guest is employed and in good standing with THCC Housing.)
Guests must sleep at the house each night unless prior arrangements have been made with staff.
Overnight passes are given after 30 days living at THCC Housing. (Maximum 2 nights per week)
Guests are not permitted to have overnight visitors. All visitors to the property must be approved by staff and must be off the property by 11:00 PM.
There is absolutely no loitering in the front of the property.
Guests must be employed or enrolled in school within the first 30 days of living at THCC Housing.
Guests having unusual job requirements must have THCC Housing staff approval.
Guests not employed or in school must be off the property by 9 AM daily and return after 4 PM Monday thru Friday.
Guests will participate in ongoing mandatory house chores.
Because this is a sober living environment and we are to be working as a family unit, new applicants will be interviewed by guests and staff at house meetings.
Staff may not become involved in personal financial affairs of guests including loaning money or borrowing money from guests